

Christmas Haul! - Meghan

Hey everybody! I hope you all had a magical christmas this year! I had a pretty spectacular one. (: And since this week's theme is Christmas Haul, I'm going to show you some of the gifts I received. I feel like the gifts you get is kind of personal so I'm mostly going to share the gifts I got from extended family.

This sweater I got from my Aunt and I LOVE it! It's so comfy and super sporty and it's just built for the cold.

Yeah, sorry about my crazy facial expressions.... ;) 

This, I actually got from my mom. It's super awesome because it can shoot 8 bullets before running out. 

This is a art kit that is really cool because it explains about using mix medias and it comes with really nice paper and supplies.

My Gigi knows me to well! I love the bold pattern on these leggings. They are super cute!

This is from one of my sisters. It is a beaded head band from Francesca's. 

This mirror is from my Grandma. I asked for this and I'm so glad she got it for me. I really needed it and it's a nice one. :D

This is also from my Grandma. It is a little handbag/wallet. I really needed this and this one is very stylish!

I'm obsessed. I love these slippers from my other Aunt! I've worn them all day since christmas.

What is your favorite gift you received this christmas? What was your favorite gift you bought for someone? Let me know in the comments! 

Happy New Years! 2015!!!!

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