

Sunday - Meghan

Hey guys! :) My name is Meghan and I'm 14 years old. I was born in Minnesota but raised in Ohio. Some things I enjoy in my free time is sketching, photography, filming, singing and dancing! Although, I must admit I'm not an excellent dancer. I'm also the middle child out of 5 kids. I have two older sisters and a little sister and brother. 

Some random facts about me....

-My favorite colors are Coral, Lavender and Grey.

-I don't play any instruments but, I would love to learn the Ukulele!

-I'm a Christian.

-My favorite animals are bats, otters, skunks, tigers, wolves and bears. 

-I've never been stung by a bee or wasp, surprisingly.

-Someday, I want to visit Italy, France, England and New Zealand!

-I'm a big daredevil. And I love big roller coasters! I rode this really crazy one called Top Thrill Dragster.

-Even though I'm a daredevil, I am still a girly girl and I love fashion and shopping!

-I want to write a fictional book someday, but I'm not very good at writing.

-I want to be a surfer so bad! Surfing is so awesome and I love the ocean and beach.

-I love Halloween so much because I love dressing up in costumes!

-My favorite websites are Pinterest, YouTube and Blogger.

-I'm very shy and I like not being busy.

-I love ice cream but it makes me thirsty.

-My birthday is June 13th.

So that's the basics of who I am! I look forward to this blogging adventure with all of you! Thanks lovelies!



  1. You and your sisters and friends and mom are all soooo pretty :)

  2. I agree with Lydia, you guys should all be models!

  3. Beautiful picture! I want to go to Italy, France, England and New Zealand too! I am kind of shy too.
